S. Sai Lakshmi a mentally challenged turned into a mentally challenged after receiving useful, meaningful and purposeful training from Lebenshilfe for over 20 Years and made her fit to get married and to lead a normal life. She left Lebenshilfe successfully and entered into the society with the same human dignity. Now she turned into a proud mother also. Besides taking care of her baby, Sai Lakshmi is also holding a sense of responsibility in assisting her husband in the provisional shop and her in-laws in the kitchen as well as in other household activities.
Her brother S. Vijaya Kumar, also a mentally retarded, is still attending Lebenshilfe to receive training to become a useful person.
Sai Lakshmi newly born Son, her brother S.Vijaya Kumar together with T. Saraswathi Devi, (Sarah) Founder and Project Co-ordinator of Lebenshilfe organization who is the real spirit behind this achievement.
R.N.V.N. Murthy married a physically handicapped girl whose parents having greater problems for each day meal. Murthy’s father’s proposal for wedlock solved the girl’s problem for food and boy’s problem for sex-related needs. Murthy attended Lebenshilfe till he acquired independent skills through vocational units and now working in a public restaurant on monthly remuneration basis. Murthy turned into a proud father to a four-year old son too. Outcome: Success.